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Previous Years:

Kayak Leg

Sorry - we don't have any kayak leg photos for 2019!

Horse Leg

Run Leg

Bike Leg

Base Camp



We are so grateful that our community, competitors, and sponsors give their time, energy, and support to the 4 Legged, knowing that everything we raise goes to the Painga Project.

Painga simply means ‘well-being’. With the Painga Project, we are focused on the health and well-being of students, families and their communities in low decile South Auckland primary and intermediate schools.

We start at primary and intermediate level because childhood inequality begins at the school gate and it should not become a life sentence. We strive to reduce inequality by supporting and creating innovative programmes early in a student’s education. All students deserve to be able to see what their future can be. This is the age when students either step forward into further education or fall back into a life of hardship and poverty.

While there are many interventions and programmes available for secondary schools, we were drawn to the stark realisation that for many primary and intermediate aged students there are very few enabling opportunities available to them. Without a glimpse into what their future can be, there is a real risk that these students completely disengage with education and are lost to themselves, their families and our communities.